How a Travel Insurance Policy Can Help You With Lost Luggage


There are many potential issues that can come up while you’re on vacation, like missed connecting flights, hotel issues, and many others. However, one very annoying inconvenience that is often overlooked is lost or stolen luggage.

First, let’s look at some statistics about baggage mishandling. Then, we’ll focus on ways you can be negatively affected by airlines or other transportation carriers losing or misplacing your luggage or if criminals steal it, and finally, we’ll see how a traveler’s insurance policy can help.

Airline Baggage Statistics

According to a report by Statista, at North American airports in 2020, 4.1 bags were mishandled for every 1,000 passengers. At European airports, which include US travelers going abroad, the rate was 4.61 bags per thousand.

This means, roughly speaking, for every flight with 250 passengers, one bag will go missing or be delayed on average. As the number of flights you take increases, so do the chances of your bag being the one that disappears.

Potential Costs Associated with Lost Luggage

Having your luggage misplaced by your airline can be a massive inconvenience. However, it can also be a costly financial proposition depending on the contents of those lost bags. A few of the important items that may need to be replaced include clothes (especially uniforms or formalwear), musical instruments, sporting equipment, toiletries, and electronics.

Even if your bags are accidentally sent to the wrong airport or are subject to another type of delay, some of those items will need to be replaced right away. Waiting a day or two for your luggage to be rerouted isn’t always an option, especially for shorter stays. This can result in hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses to replace these essential items.

How Traveler’s Insurance Can Help

Thankfully, if you have a good traveler’s insurance policy and are covered, you’ll be compensated for delayed or missing baggage.

The exact amount will depend on the terms of your policy but this means that if you’re traveling for your son’s baseball game and the luggage goes missing, you can buy him a new glove and bat from the sporting goods store without ending up in debt.

If you’re a musician traveling for a concert, your traveler’s insurance payout probably won’t replace your prized, one-of-a-kind Stradivarius but it’ll make sure you can pick one up at a music shop before the concert begins.

Final Thoughts

Traveler’s insurance can help you replace critical items in your luggage if it is lost, stolen, or mishandled by the airport or other transportation service during your trip. The compensation you’ll receive depends on your coverage, but even the lowest-level plan will be enough to prevent you from experiencing a severe financial burden.

Before you purchase a plan, you should make an honest evaluation of the value of the items in your luggage to make sure the level of coverage you purchase is enough to cover the loss. If you are traveling with anything irreplaceable, sentimental, or that you’ll need right away (ex. medication), you should always keep these items with you.

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