Overcome Feeling Hangry As A Business Owner


There are so many days where my to-do list takes over me and I get in the “work mode.” I buckle down, turn on some music and get to work.  You are getting so much done and are rocking your day like a champ. You finally look at the clock and it is 4 in the afternoon and you haven’t ate lunch.  You have been wondering why you have been getting crankier and crankier and everything little things seems to annoy you to the point of having a minor meltdown! Well, I have the answer my friends – you are a HANGRY business owner. 

If you are wondering if this happens to others, oh it does – trust me! The hangries are real my business friends! It is so dang easy to forget about your stomach when you are having a major breakthrough with whatever you are working on.  Yes, hangry is definitely a word and DOES exist. The dictionary says so:


adjective -grier, -griest1.
(jocular) irritable as a result of feeling hungry

Eating would definitely solve this problem! As a business owner it’s so easy to just grab the first thing we find and quickly scarf it down to move on with work.  I mean who has time to make anything for lunch while running a business?!  I know this feeling all too well, and it has got to stop! It is definitely not helping our bodies filling it with unhealthy food day in and day out.  We have to keep ourselves healthy if our business is going to thrive. Am I right?!

You may already know Lean Pockets as the convenient, delicious and affordable products that simplify your busy, on-the-go lifestyles, but Lean Pockets are so much more than that! #EatLunch

They are the perfect satisfying choice for a lunch; a go-to option when you are looking to take a break and enjoy something tasty! Everyone experiences times when they can’t focus and don’t have energy because they’re hungry and lack satisfying mini-meal options.  They need something to recharge their energy and a healthy permissible satisfying meal will deliver just that.  To address this consumer need, Lean Pockets delivers great tasting, permissible satisfying mini-meals that are a good source of protein, made with 100% real cheese and no artificial flavors.

My favorite flavor is the chicken jalapeno and cheese on the pretzel bread (SO GOOD!) I love a little kick to my meals! 

Explore all the Lean Pocket flavors available for you to try HERE!

• White Meat Chicken Jalapeno & Cheese with a pretzel bread crust (Pictured)
• White Meat Chicken Broccoli and Cheese with a whole grain crust (Pictured)
• Roasted Turkey Bacon & Cheese with a pretzel bread crust 
• Pepperoni Pizza

Click HERE to get $1 off when you purchase 3 Lean Pockets products!

SO – don’t let yourself get hangry during the day! Nobody loves being around that! Be sure to keep your freezer stocked at all times with Lean Pockets and all will be well!

Remember, now is the perfect time to stock up with this $1 off 3 coupon 

How to control your hunger during the day as a Business Owner? Let’s all chat about our Hangry-ness!https://web.archive.org/web/20161031044141if_/https://www.youtube.com/embed/k0n1A9-RBj8

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