FREE Inspirational Quote Wallpaper

Just like a house, an office is a work in progress. I keep adding little details to my office space slowly but surely. Inspiration in all forms is something I really am drawn to as a business owner. One of my favorite ways to add…

Modern Feminine Chic Home Tour

Wine Bottle Decorating Empty wine bottles laying around? Perfect DIY project for you! We not only have extra bottles around, but also extra corks (which will be another post here soon – stay tuned) What you’ll…

Pineapple Whiskey Sour

The hubby is a whiskey lover, which has brought on MY love for whiskey. He drinks it neat (which I CAN do) but I would definitely prefer a whiskey cocktail, no doubt. Pineapple has been on our grocery list for the…

Healthy Morning Cocktail

Alyssa Coleman is a holistic nutritionist and has been writing about how to love your body using nutrition. Below, she shares her insight, plus a recipe for a healthy morning cocktail. Bottom’s up! Some…

The Creative Local: Kendra Barnes

Welcome to The Creative Local Series! Up Next: Kendra Barnes from Aisle Always Love. I am excited to bring this lady over to Uniquely Women today. It is such a great feeling when you meet fellow creatives on the web! She has…